Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Bigger Question

Just yesterday I was sitting by the swings with a little girl, when she told me that Mrs. Wanda had said I was going to be here all summer, and that I was doing it for free. I told her yes, that my expenses were all covered, but I didn't really get paid to work there. She was shocked, but quickly replied with a question more difficult to answer.
Campers, staff, family members, and friends back home have all asked me why I would want to spend my summer in Homestead. I have thought a lot about this question. Why do I want to spend my summer in the heat?  Why would I want to work for free for two months? Why not get a real job? Why not take summer classes instead? When I applied for this internship I faced a lot of whys and why-nots, but I think I have been ignoring an even bigger question.
Why has God called me here? In 1st Peter 4:10, God calls us to use our gifts to serve others. I believe that God has called me to use my theatre education to teach these children and youth about the performing arts, something they have had little exposure to. I can only hope that in the process I help some of these students find their own gifts and talents to share with their community.


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